《最终决战(THE FINALS)》中比较难做的成就是非常多的,高速巡警就是其中一个,而这个成就的要求就是在使用滑索时击败总共10名敌人,成就难度很大,想要做可以玩存钱bank it,用中型带滑索道具。
高速巡警 Highway Patrol
玩存钱bank it,用中型带滑索道具,一正局就乱滑不下来,很容易就完成了。
Play 'bank it' with a medium build and equip a zip line tool. Just zip around the entire match, and it's easy to complete.
Alternatively, place mines at popular spots and then hide while using a zip line.
Or, play with a heavy build, and when combat starts, look for environmental zip lines and use an RPG to take down enemies while on the zip line.
相关攻略:《THE FINALS》打的火热成就怎么完成